Даем название "бабушкиному" гиппу

Автор Elena7, 23 мая 2013, 07:57:51

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Ребята, все замечания учту, исправлю ошибки, формат тоже поправлю, у меня другой комп, я не пристроилась еще.

На счет английского было бы здорово, но надо профессионала, слишком много ботанических терминов...


Ребят посмотрите еще раз страничку, у меня на компе все влезает без прокрутки по горизонтали, у кого-нибудь не влезает?


ЦитироватьМои замечания: Статья хорошая, но немного не вписывается в формат - чтобы прочитать, приходится двигать.
2е, считаю и твёрдо в этом уверен, что надо сдублировать текст на английском, что сделает предложенную информацию
доступной для всего мира - это весьма важно!
Олег, по первому два варианта. Либо статью разбивать на две страницы, либо двигать колесиком мыши. Я читаю, используя колесико, очень удобно :). с английским нужен переводчик, переведешь? :)

Алеся, спасибо :)


Цитата: Natali от 22 октября 2013, 10:34:00Ребят посмотрите еще раз страничку, у меня на компе все влезает без прокрутки по горизонтали, у кого-нибудь не влезает? https://iplants.ru/hippeastrum-folk.htm
Наташ,чуточку не влезает по горизонтали,но текст  даже без прокрутки читаем,края страницы буквально не захватывает.


Лена, а какое у тебя разрешение экрана?
Просто у меня стандартный ноутбук 15 дюймов. Не влезать может только из-за фотографий, они достаточно крупные. Стоит ли уменьшать?


У меня небольшой ноут с разрешением 1280 на 800 думаю не стоит уменьшать фотки это не так критично на мой взгляд.



Цитата: Oleq24 от 22 октября 2013, 00:14:49А относително перевода на английский? Считаете излишне?
Очень даже приветсвую. Правда, сама в этом не помощник. :(


Не влезает как верно заметила Елена из-за фоток. У меня разрешение 1024 х 740. Прокрутка по горизонтали с помощью колёсика? Это как?
Перевод терминов - без проблем, труднее будет с  грамматикой, но могу предложить перевод, а вы подправите или
можно попросить кого-нить

.After a controversial debate on the forum topic " And if we do not give the name of his grandmother's Hippeastrum ? ", ( and vote ) , the idea to write this article in order to avoid the myths about the names of unnamed grandmother hybrids.

Where did these nameless grandmother hybrids ? The answer to this question can be obtained by looking at the history of the spread and hybridization of Hippeastrum . Study Hipeastrum (стиль?) began in the late 18th century. Botanists William Herbert , John Gilbert Baker and later Gamilton, Paul Traub and others, have made a huge contribution to the study, description , classification, and development. First, a wild species Hippeastrum . Found in nature Hippeastrum species were taken away to the famous Botanical Gardens for further study and use in hybridization.To date, in the wild in tropical and subtropical regions of Peru , Bolivia, Argentina, Portugal , Brazil, Venezuela and described by botanists found about 80 species of Hippeastrum .

Home hybridization was initiated in 1799. By crossing Hippeastrum reginae x Hippeastrum vittatum got the first hybrid, received the official name Hippeastrum x johnsonii in honor of the originator , the English clockmaker Johnson.

Hippeastrum is not only interested in botany, but also gardeners , by the mid-19th century, there were more than 100 varieties. Widespread hippeastrum received in the Netherlands , the UK, USA and Australia. In Russia hippeastrum was imported from the middle of the 19th century.

   The interest in the culture of the world is increasing every year . Hybridization are engaged in Holland , England, USA , South Africa, Israel, Japan , Latin America, etc. By crossing species and / or high-grade Hippeastrum originators (the people who are engaged in breeding new varieties ) annually receive hundreds, if not thousands seedlings. Of these seedlings are selected only the best . The selection takes place according to certain criteria . By creating a new variety , the originator has set itself the task. For example, to get some unusual flower color and shade , or a certain size (giant, or vice versa  miniature ) , or increase the number of flowers at the flower scape , or get a strong, stable blooming , stress resistance (resistant to disease, pests ) variety , etc. In practice, the best seedlings are one, and the rest are discarded . Are unsuccessful runs, all of which are rejected seedlings (стиль) . All bad seedlings decent? originator destroys .

For further use of the best seedlings maker submits an application for registration of the variety. Registered seedling becomes grade , getting a unique name. The registration procedure is complex and not all the seedlings it pass .<p>The question arises , why register ? The answer is simple to order and to avoid conflicts.

Here is an example :

   The situation first . Take two famous originators , I 'll call them figuratively originator  1 and 2 . These are both originator engaged in breeding Hippeastrum . In the course of their work they have obtained excellent results , and they are assigned the same name of seedlings . These seedlings of the same name hit the market , and after some time buyers themselves originators understand the different varieties have been bred , and they are sold under the same name.

   The second situation . Those originators same output for external quality features of a hybrid, call it by many names . Flowers are absolutely similar , and are sold under a variety of names . The result was an awkward again , the conflict situation - cheating customers , asking who first brought this sort of who has the right to sell , etc.

So, to avoid such embarrassing situations of conflict , and there was an order in breeding varieties, created an organization that registers and maintains a huge variety registration roster. This register prescribed basic characteristics of the variety ( size , color,<span id="result_box" lang="en"> flower shape , morphology of the flower and other) , was received this variety (parents ) who had obtained this variety , date of registration , information about the originator's name and variety . Names in this register are unique, non-repeating . According to the rules you can not take the name of an already existing in the registry. Even if the name of the old varieties lost .

To date KAVB ( Royal General Bulb Plant Manufacturers' Association? ) is the international registration authority (ICRA) following delivery of new varieties of plants: tulip, Hippeastrum , hyacinth, crocus, muscari and irises.

After registration, the originator can get a patent on the commercial use of this sort. The patent protects against theft of intellectual property and gives the right to the commercial use of this kind on a large scale .

But not all originators are similar path . First, the procedure for registering an expensive pleasure , rather long and there is no guarantee that the seedling registered, ie they can find reasons for which registration will be denied . Second, there is no guarantee that the monetary costs and the time spent will pay off variety may be sold poorly . Third, there are fans of this culture that are engaged in pollination for fun . Usually fans do not understand the basics and problems of selection not destroy discarded seedlings and distribute them among friends of the same and do not think that these bad seedlings leads to the spread of global disorder. It will take some time and in this bad seedling collectors will examine , or variety, or "species rarity ," which strangely got a grandmother or aunt , and then donated .

Here are just a touch on the nameless hybrids. Basically, it is either rejected or unregistered seedlings or very old varieties lost .

And in the collections of amateurs Hippeastrum very common " old wives ' hybrids . The name " Grandma " and they got just from the fans of Hippeastrum . Their selection is no information , and the origin of the hosts said , " went from grandmothers from the Soviet era ." These hybrids have a grandmother distinguishable characteristic symptoms? and do not have a name ( or is lost ) . That proposal received collectively give the name and a description .

Since we do not have information about the Originator and the variety . One can not say that these are old wives hybrids varieties. These hybrids, we have no right to give the official name , because the official names gives only organization that registers new varieties . We, as a team of amateurs of hippeastrum , we give an informal working name with the acronym Not Official name (NON) and draw up a brief description of the hybrid. If it is established over time and authorship information is found on the variety , the name of the author will be corrected by the official .


Description of grandmother  Hippeastrum, which collective amateurs of hippeastrum portal iplants.ru given the informal name "Creole"- NON. The unofficial name : " Creole -NON "

   Origin: to date, no accurate information about the origin of Hippeastrum  " Creole -NON " and can not be sure that all similar in phenotype plants are clones of a single plant , ie, they have the same parents , we can not be sure that the plant is not spread by seed, so similar plants are describing as a hybrid group similar in phenotype.

   Originator: Unknown

   Date of assignment unofficial name : 1/7/2013 , the

   Who was given the name : conceptual organizer Elena Shcherbakov. Was named after the vote , members of the forum conducted by a team portal iplants.ru

   Classification : simple,intermediate (Medium).

Остальное постараюсь перевести в ближайшее время, поздно уже. :)


Ого!Вот это работа проделана!



The main flower color : self coloring flower with a light star in the throat. Pretty flower is variable , the color can vary from light pink-orange to orange-red . The main color is applied in two stages over a pale orange petals evenly , dark red-orange on longitudinal veins. In the collections appears more luminous clone , ie The shadow is light and the extension of red-orange caused by longitudinal veins.

The number of flowers per flower scape : 3-5

Flower Shape : flattened flower, good open form , with a short perianth tube.

Petals : petals oval, with pointed tips . In a complete dissolution of the petals are curved .

Flower size : 10 to 16 cm
Description for this hybrid was Shcherbakov Elena :

Hippeastrum hybrid breeding unknown Soviet times ,  good bulblets production, blooming bulbs with a diameter of 6-7 cm, bulbs rounded oblong , scape 40-45 cm green arrow without a tan color , flower diameter 15cm, flower with a distinct veining and orange stripe , with the characteristic light star, which lasts from the throat of each petal a little before reaching the edges . Star has a more pronounced red border, there is a bit in the throat , the throat with a slight greenish tinge, filaments and pistil are not fully painted , based on the throat are white , thread ends lighter closer to the boot, the stigma is white, smooth color transitions . Flower of three or four , green seed pods . The anthers are small, pollen yellow . Scape appears at the same time with foliage.

   The unofficial name : "Garnet Bracelet- NON"

   Origin: to date, no accurate information about the origin of this Hippeastrum and can not be sure that all similar in phenotype plants are clones of a single plant , ie, they have the same parents , we can not be sure that the plant is not spread by seed, so similar plants are describing as a hybrid group similar in phenotype.

   Originator: Unknown

   Date of assignment unofficial name : 21/10/2013 , the

   Who was given the name : conceptual organizer Elena Talantova . Was named after the vote , members of the forum conducted by a team portal iplants.ru

   Classification : simple, intermediate (Medium).

The basic сolor of flower :  dark red color with a pronounced veining . Color variable from red to ruby . In the throat was red often dyed and throat flower can be yellowish- green.
Number of flowers at the flower scape : 3-4 .
Flower shape : the shape of the flower is open, with a short perianth tube.
Petals : petals ovate-oblong , pointed to the tips , in the dissolution bent.
Flower size : 10 to 15 cm

Description for this hybrid was Elena Talantova :

Flower - rich red color with dark red veining . Color variable from red to ruby . In the throat was red often dyed and throat flower can be yellowish- green. Blooming bulb, when increasing the amount of more than 5.5 cm , flowers on the flower scape 3-4 , the average height of the peduncle 50-55 cm. Flower size in the complete dissolution of 10-15 cm, width segments - the "sail " of 4-5 cm , "wings" of 3-4 cm, " paddle " 3-4 cm, " tongue " of 2-3 cm. Flower size and width of the petals, the ripple is highly dependent on age and forcing bulbs . Young and loose bulbs may bloom in half strength, small flowers with narrow petals. Lobes ovate -oblong , pointed to the tips , in the dissolution bent. Flower shape funnel-shaped, open . Column pestle filaments red , closer to the throat yellow-green, stigma white . Pollen is yellow, the middle fraction . The leaves are green with a tan closer to the bulb , the height of 50-60 cm , a width of 3.5-5 cm. Bulb rounded, brown scales . Good bulblets production .

   The unofficial name : " Fife Satire - NON"

   Origin: to date, no accurate information about the origin of this Hippeastrum and can not be sure that all similar in phenotype plants are clones of a single plant , ie, they have the same parents , we can not be sure that the plant is not spread by seed, so similar plants are describing as a hybrid group similar in phenotype.

   Originator: Unknown

   Date of assignment unofficial name : 21/10/2013 , the

   Who was given the name : conceptual organizer Elena Talantova . Was named after the vote , members of the forum conducted by a team portal iplants.ru

   Classification : simple, intermediate (Medium).

The basic flower color   : red- orange
The number of flowers per flower scape : up to 4 flowers
Flower shape : funnel-shaped, elongated
Petals : ovate-oblong , pointed to the tips , in the dissolution bent. At the tips of the petals have a white " claws ."
Flower size : about 15 cm

Description for this hybrid was Elena Talantova :

Flower orange-red color with a pale yellow star in the throat, in the full dissolution with finely wavy edges on all petals . Blooming bulb, when the width increases greater than 5 cm, the flowers at the flower scape usually 4 , the average height of the peduncle 50-60 cm Flower size in the complete dissolution of about 15 cm , width segments - 2-4-5 cm, the tightest lower segment . Lobes ovate-oblong , pointed to the tips , in the dissolution bent. At the tips of the petals have a white " claws ." Flower shape funnel-shaped, elongated , open . On the side flower looks very elegant due to the elongated funnel. Column pestle filaments of colored silk to the middle in red, from the middle of the throat in a light green color, stigma white . Pollen is yellow, the middle fraction . The leaves are green with a slight tan closer to the bulb, the height of about 60 cm, a width of about 5 cm bulb rounded, brown scales . Good bulblets production .

   The unofficial name : " Wonderful Paddle - NON"

   Origin: to date, no accurate information about the origin of this Hippeastrum and can not be sure that all similar in phenotype plants are clones of a single plant , ie, they have the same parents , we can not be sure that the plant is not spread by seed, so similar plants are describing as a hybrid group similar in phenotype.

   Originator: Unknown

   Date of assignment unofficial name : 21/10/2013 , the

   Who was given the name : conceptual organizer Elena Talantova . Was named after the vote , members of the forum conducted by a team portal iplants.ru

   Classification : simple, intermediate (Medium).


The basic flower color  : red- orange with a bright star in the  throat and dark red bit.
Number of flowers at the flower scape : 2-4
Flower shape : the shape of the flower is open, the average length of the perianth tube .
Petals : oval - oblong , pointed to the tips .
Flower size : 12-15 cm

Description for this hybrid was Elena Talantova :

Flower orange-red color with light  star in the throat and a bit dark red , wavy edges. Blooming bulb, when increasing the amount of more than 4.5 cm, the flowers at the flower scape 2-4, flower stalk height of 40-50 cm on the average size of a flower in full dissolution of 12-15 cm in the dissolution of the petals are well bent. Three outer segment ( "sail " and " paddle " ) , oval- oblong , pointed to the tips . Three inner petals ( the "wings " and " tongue " ) is more narrow elongated shape with pointed tips . Flower shape funnel-shaped, open . Column pestle filaments shorter segments , painted from the throat to the middle of a light yellow color, from the middle to the stigma and anthers in red . Stigma white , yellow pollen .

У-ф-ф, всё, но надо ещё хорошенько прошерстить на предмет грамматики, синтаксиса, исправить ошибки и шершавости.


ничего себе, Олег преклоняюсь!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Natali, Спасибо конечно, но преклонения моя скромная особа недостойна :)
В тексте ещё много недостатков, а времени нет - полевые работы поджимают, зима ведь не за горами.